Sarah Grainger has been the Office Manager of Community Lutheran Church for the past twenty years, but as we all know, she is more than just an Office Manager. In addition to paying bills, organizing the newsletter, ordering office supplies, and fixing the copy machine when it breaks, she takes the time to personally assist staff members and church members who come into the office. Sarah sets the tone of the office with her cheerful spirit and welcoming attitude.

Graham and Sarah Grainger were living across the street from Hidden Valley Middle School when Community Lutheran Church was using it as a Sunday morning worship space. Christine Vogelsang remembers that Sarah’s daughter Victoria “was just a little thing and would wander over on a Sunday morning for the cookies and love from the cookie ladies” at church. Victoria was also a Brownie Scout and sold boxes of cookies to church members. Pastor Vogelsang ordered several boxes which Victoria delivered to the church office in Trafalgar Square. Sarah came with Victoria that day and met Pastor Vogelsang. It wasn’t long after that Sarah’s sister came for a visit from England and attended church with Victoria. She went home and asked Sarah and Graham why they weren't attending such a wonderful church. They came as a family the following Sunday, and Sarah says that everyone was so friendly, she thought they must be part of a cult! Because Graham and Sarah had little understanding of Lutheranism, they did some research and found that they wanted to become Lutherans, too!
In 1993, Sarah started volunteering in the church office a few days per week. At first, she thought she would just help out until they found someone who “really knew what they were doing.” But when she noticed an announcement in the newsletter looking to hire an office assistant who could do the newsletter and other tasks that Sarah was already involved with, she brought the ad to Pastor Vogelsang and asked if she could apply. He told her that the announcement was a mere formality, and the job was hers! Twenty years later, Sarah’s knowledge of the congregation rivals that of Pastor Vogelsang’s! Donna Hinke says, “Sarah is the heart and soul of the office.”
Sarah’s best quality is her joyful attitude. Parish Nurse Margaret Simonsen says, “I am unable to imagine Sarah angry. She seems perpetually in a good mood. Must be all the tea the British love!” She is often heard singing or humming as she files papers in the office or makes copies. Like Snow White, she goes about her work with a smile and a song. In Sarah’s spare time, she sings with our church choir.
Sarah’s joy overflows in the way she interacts with others. Secretary Debbie Lundberg explains that Sarah takes the time to chat with each person that comes through the office door. Sarah has said in the past, “You never know what a person is going through, and they might just need to you to listen and give them a hug right then.” She makes each person feel valued and loved. Sarah even gives Debbie kisses on her head and will sometimes put her arm around Kristen when they sit next to each other at lunch. She is sensitive and nurturing to those she works with. She also has fun with the staff. Vicar Joel Beyer says, “Sarah is the comic relief of the office and keeps me on my toes with her Briticisms.” Her laugh can be heard around the office and she always seems to be having a good time.
Sarah keeps the office cool, calm, and under control, even when under pressure. Donna shares, “The British say, ‘Keep clam and carry on.’ I think it’s genetic or something because that is Sarah.” Even during turbulent times, Sarah keeps her composure and keeps the office running smoothly. Sarah isn’t overwhelmed if several things are thrown at her at once. She takes one thing at a time and works through it until everything is resolved and completed.
Sarah adores her family. Whenever she refers to a member of her family she says "our" before their name ("our" Mary refers to her granddaughter). Sarah and Graham have been married for 42 years and love each other dearly. Debbie says, “She always makes my mouth water when she describes what Graham made for dinner the night before.” They have four children: James, Simon, Justin, and Victoria. They have six grandchildren, including Mary who attends Community Lutheran Preschool.
Please take the time to thank Sarah for serving our church for twenty years. She is a true gift from God!
- Bless your little cotton socks! (an endearment)
- Gotta run to the loo (bathroom).
- Bye bit (which means goodbye until she talks/see you in a little bit)
- Pronunciation of the letter “H” (sounds like "haych"...that's S-A-R-A-haych)
- Gobsmacked! (speechless)
- Trolley (a baby stroller, buggy, or shopping cart)
- Bloke (man)
- Bob’s your uncle!
- Daft (silly)
- Ice lolly (popsicle)
- Lift (elevator)
- Half past three (instead of three thirty)
- As quick as wink (quickly)
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